WOVD - International Organisation of Volleyball for people with physical disabilities
ECVD - European Committee Volleyball for Disabled
OKI "Fantomi", Sarajevo
KSO "Smeč", Beograd
Serbian Sport Union for Disabled persons
Portal about volleyball and sitting volleyball in Hungary
Hungarian e-magazine "SzegedMa", search "uloroplabda"
OKI "Banja Luka", Banja Luka
Sport news from Bosnia and Herzegovina
Volleyball Union of Serbia
Volleyball Union of Vojvodina
Volleyball Club "Vojvodina NS Seme"
Vuk Karadžić" elementary school, Kikinda
Municipality of Kikinda Home Page
Portal about Kikinda
Kikinda Gazette (Kikindske novine)
Facts about Kikinda
Sports News at the Civilon Web Portal, Kikinda
Placement of "Vuk Karadžić" elementary school, our training site on the Google Maps
Placement of "Jovan Popović" elementary school, our tournament site on Google Maps
Placement of Sport Center "Jezero", our tournament site on Google Maps