OKI "Feniks" Kikinda - News

League of the Republic of Hungary in sitting volleyball 2014/15
(Tesco Ülőröplabda Magyar Bajnokság 2013/14)
Budapest, "Törekvés SE Paralimpiai Sport Központ"
Saturday, September 27th, 2014

The Bajnokság 2014/15. began with the tournament in Budapest. This season involved seven Hungarian teams along with OKI Feniks:


Halassy Olivér SC (Budapest), Hamburger SE (Nagykanizsa), Humanitas SE (Tatabánya), Sprint SC (Szombathely), Mozdulj SE (V), Hungary women's national team and Piremon SE (Nyíregyháza).



Unlike previous season 2013/14 the team of Piremon (Nyíregyháza) is back in tracks, and on the other side the Csakazért SE (Szeged) did not gather for this competition. For both teams bind us comradely relations and mutual assistance in difficult situations. As we are pleased having the first back, in the same way we are sorry that the others are out, and we hope they will still come back this or in the next year. (editor's note: this popular serbian love song talks about the stork migrations and how they will be coming back next season... or won't.)

After the first games on each field all teams were welcomed by the Hungarian Association of sitting and regular volleyball, but also by a new referees. It is difficult to accept the qualification of "the new ones" for these experienced, top qualified referees of regular volleyball, led by the first man of this outfit that we know of the games our national team. The famous Hungarian referee Mr. Bela Hobor has ceased with refereeing somewhat less than two years ago, due to his age, but he is in training with the others for refereeing of sitting volleyball. This is a new environment for them, but they went very well in the new role, with the help of the players themselves and the coaches, who are aware of the situation. Thus the Hungarians showed that they care, they think and invest in this sport, which I consider very important for the progress of the competition in general. We hope that our future experiences will confirm this.



What about Jozsi? All the congrats to him, because he honestly wore the burden of all the important matches during these years, more or less alone. Starting now, this burden will be distributed on 6 or 8 referees. Basically, he's a different kind of referee in a relation to the aforementioned. As well, the time is passing and got him some health problems, where all day activity with a lot of time on foot is not recommended. Still, this fact does not prevent us to keep hang out with Illy and Jozsi on the occasional tournaments or beyond these.



The teams were appropriately divided into two groups, similar to the manner "group carriers" and "qualifiers". I hope you're so far familiar with who-is-who in Bajnokság, so I would't dwell on it. The following results were achieved:

Court 1

 1. Humanitás SE (Tatabánya) - Halassy Olivér SC (Budapest)  3:2 (-19, 20, 19, -22, 5)
 2. OKI Feniks (Kikinda) - Sprint SC (Szombathely)           3:1 (21, 22, -21, 11)

We played well, although there were problems in the game and occasional crashes. That's where from the loss of the third set came, even we had a slight advantage in that one.



 3. OKI Feniks - Halassy Olivér SC     3:0 (13, 9, 12)

The result will tell you more than my description. Mourinho gave the chance to all the present players in this and in our next game.

 4. Sprint SC - Humanitás SE           3:0 (11, 19, 12)
 5. OKI Feniks  - Humanitás SE         3:0 (8, 8, 11)


 6. Sprint SC - Halassy Olivér SC      3:0 (11, 20, 11)



Court 2

 7. Mozdulj SE (Vác) - Mađ.ženska reprezentacija           3:0 (10, 12, 4)
 8. Piremon SE (Nyíregyháza) - Hamburger SE (Nagykanizsa)  3:0 (7, 7, 11)
 9. Hamburger SE - Mađ.ženska reprezentacija               3:0 (22, 23, 18)
10. Mozdulj SE - Piremon SE                                3:2 (-15, -21, 22, 20, 10)
11. Mozdulj SE - Hamburger SE                              3:0 (11, 9, 15)
12. Piremon SE - Mađ.ženska reprezentacija                 3:0 (7, 13, 19)

Summary: in the 1st weekend we achieved 3 wins against teams: Sprint 3:1, HOSC 3:0 and Humanitas 3:0. Since the "carriers" of the 2nd group have divided points in thier battle, Feniks has occupied the top of the table.

From the media:




Bajnokság 2014/15, 1st round